by Ron Threadgill • January 17, 2020
The subject of pre-need and/or pre-paid funeral planning can be worthy of a thesis rather than a blog posting. But the long and short of it CAN be simple and uncomplicated.
The pre-need industry was born when an individual felt impressed to document their wishes for final disposition. The gift of pre-planning and pre-paying for a funeral was so appreciated that word quickly spread and became an option, and eventually a self-contained industry. This industry was soon followed by policies, procedures, and regulations.
When implementing funeral pre-planning—also known as “final wishes”—into your affairs it is important to understand what your source of motivation is and why! Once you understand your reasoning you then have a source of personal power to make clear choices. This personal power becomes your standard when discerning how you carry out your actions and who you choose to engage with.
The quickest way to waylay your planning by several months, or even years, is by taking it to a committee of extended family. In most cases the typical response from family is: “Don’t worry about it; we’ll take care of it,” or “I don’t want to worry… you’re not going to die.” The most common reaction when the subject is brought up is: “I cannot handle the thought of you dying.” When extended family members experience a close friend losing a parent, child, best friend or co-worker they will become emotionally and cognitively concerned about YOUR final planning. This is when they are most likely to gather the courage to address it; seek out options on how to bring up the subject; or they will wait until you choose to discuss your final wishes again.
The BEST gift you could give to your extended family is, when they experience real grief for the first time in their lives—at the loss of a spouse, child, friend or coworker or their best friends’ loss of a loved one, pre-planning your funeral. The peace of mind that comes when they can say: “I’m so glad my parents (aunt, uncle, grandparent, child) have made their decisions and choices for their final wishes.” This is when the GIFT of pre-planning has reached the epitome of its purpose.
Pre-planning and pre-paying is also known as the gift that keeps giving because peace of mind is not only bestowed upon the family but you, too, will experience it as you never need to be concerned about your own arrangements again!
This is the introductory article of a series of posts about pre-planning and pre-paying funeral services and arrangements. Check back each week to learn more about the ins and outs of pre-planning or you can find more information under Planning on our website.
Ron Threadgill is a Funeral Director and co-owner of Threadgill’s Memorial Services LLC in Beaverton, Oregon, with over 20 years’ experience in the Funeral and Pre-planning industry. He has an extensive Estate Planning background and understands the variables of ethical final expense planning and how it fits into an estate. He has had an Oregon Insurance License for almost 25 years and previously held a Securities 6 & 63 license.
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